
Minutes 2012

2012 Oct. Annual Meeting Minutes

Mar 2, 2014 by

Agenda for Annual Business Meeting of

Wisconsin Council of Teachers of English

Friday, October 12, 2012, immediately following

Fall Convention at The Crowne Plaza,

4402 East Washington, Madison, Wisconsin


  1. Approval of Agenda with as amended to include new and old business.   Motion: Linda Barrington, Jessica Gallo.  Motion passed.
  2. Approval of Minutes from 2011 Annual Meeting as posted on WCTE website.  Motion:  Tom Scott, Lynn Aprill.  Motion passed.
  3. Treasurer’s Annual Report of Finances
    1. Anticipated that the 2012 conference will break even, at a minimum.  More final report on this will be provided in February.
    2. Budget that will be reported at 2012 Annual Membership Meeting will be lower than the past due to the lack of 2011 convention.
    3. Experienced registration problems due to online registration problems.  Will explore other options for next year.
    4. Paid membership current as of 10/11/12=137.  Kathy Nelson suggested the formation of a committee explore membership initiatives.  Volunteers: Janelle Bailey, Denise Meyers, Linda Barrington (chair), Tamara Maxwell, Tom Scott.
    5. Approval on Annual Budget.  Motion: Tom Scott, Tom Pamprin.  Motion passed.
  4. Pooley Foundation Annual Report
    1. An adhoc committee will be formed to explore alternate ways to spend money.
  5. Officers’ Reports
    1. Director at Large-Lynn Aprill
  1.                                                               i.      Sent letters to all superintendents in the state encouraging attendance at the conference/ membership.
  2.                                                             ii.      Also heavily recruited to fill the slate of officers for the current election.
  3.                                                               i.      2013 Convention locations, Dells or Madison.
  4.                                                             ii.      Considering a fall convention in the southern part of the state and a spring convention in the northern part of the state.
  5.                                                           iii.      Spring meeting in the northern part of the state could be smaller and more focused on one big idea.
  6.                                                               i.      Pre-conference workshop-12:30-4:30, 25 participants.  Gay Ivey presented on engagement as a way to get at CCSS.
  7.                                                             ii.      2012 Convention, 10/12/12.
  8.                                                           iii.      Winter meeting, potentially February 16, 2012.
  9.                                                               i.      New Collaborative State Organization:  new organization that brings together the leadership of numerous professional organizations in WI.  David Ebert is bringing these leaders together.
  10.                                                               i.      Website:  exploring alternate methods for paying and registering online.
    1. Second Vice President-Lynn Frick
    1. First Vice President-Jessica Gallo
    1. President Report-Kathy Nelson
  1. Committee Reports
    1. Publications
    1. Awards-no report
    2. District Directors-no additional report
    3. WCEE Report-no report
    4. WCEL Report:  Linda Barrington has resigned as state representative.  Kathy Nelson will replace.
    5. Intellectual Freedom-no report
    6. Archives-no report
    7. Professional Issues-no report.
  1. Elections
    1. District directors have been identified.
    2. John Pruit was elected second president.
  2. Old Business-None.
  3. New Business
    1. Results from the Poll everywhere at lunch show that Common Core and Teacher Evaluation and Accountability were the issues identified as significant by most respondents.
    2. Whereas Kathy Nelson has ably led the WCTE through successes and challenges and whereas she has graciously hosted numerous meetings at many locations including her home, providing a warm welcome conducive environment to productive discussion and collegiality; whereas the Gathering at Arrowhead brought distinguished presenters to address a full range of the most pressing concerns of English teachers; whereas she has energetically represented WCTE at NCTE among leaders of WI teachers and with many other constituents, led the Council boldly into new ways of doing business in an era of change.  Be it resolved the Council thanks Kathy Nelson for her distinguished service to WCTE and extends best wishes in all her future professional endeavors.  Motion:  John Zbikowski, Erin Schwane.  Motion passed.
  4. Transition to New Slate of Officers
  5. For the Good of the Order
    1. Commendation to Jessica Gallo and Marti Matyska for the wonderful organization of 2012 Fall Convention.
  6. Adjournment.  Tom Scott, Tom Pamprin.  Motion passed.  Meeting adjourned at 4:47 p.m.