
Minutes July 2015

WCTE Board Meeting

Saturday, July 18, 2015, 9a-~3p

127 Enderis Hall, UW-Milwaukee, 2400 E. Hartford Avenue, Milwaukee, WI  53211


Breakfast and Welcome

Attendance:  John Pruitt, Jackie Mabon, Kelly Seefeldt, Lynn Aprill, Kara Nelson-Sommerfeldt, Marci Glaus, Linda Barrington, Martha Handrick, Justina Plemon, Denise Meyer, Tom Scott, Shelly Krajacic


Standing Committee Meetings, 9a-9:30a

Spent some time going through the CESA districts and where our holes are in the list


Call to order at 9:37

  1.  Introductions and reading list:

John Pruitt – Antic Hay by Aldous Huxley

Jackie Mabon – The First Lie

Kelly Seefeldt – Wild

Kara Nelson-Sommerfeldt – Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee

Justina Plemon – The Light Between the Oceans by N.L. Steadman

Denise Meyer – Deep Down Dark by Hector Tobar

Marci Glaus – We Were Liars


The War of Art

Bastard of Istanbul

The Mockingbird Next Door

Tom Scott – Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman

Hugo Cabret

Why Teach?

Linda Barrington – Outlander series

Lynn Aprill – The Stand by Stephen King

The Circle

Cloud Atlas

  1.  Approval of Agenda

John added a discussion of the website at the bottom of Committee Reports

Motion by Kara Nelson-Sommerfeldt

Second by Justina Plemon


  1.  Approval of February 2015 board meeting minutes

Motion by Justina Plemon

Second by Lynn Aprill


  1.  Treasurer’s Report, including Membership (Tom Scott)

Tom handed out his report.  We haven’t had a lot of action so far because it’s early in our fiscal year.  Some concern about Reg Online costs.

Membership dues were just paid to NCTE – We have 129 membership at this time.  If we added in recently expired, it’s about 100 more.


  1.  DPI Report (Marci Glaus)

Marci will be emailing her report.  Aspire will be only once in 9th grade (spring), once in

10th and ACT in 11th.  SMARTER Balanced is gone for 3-8. WKCE is ??  Some discussion of teacher licensure. Discussed the possibility of a survey of English teachers to be revisited in October to get an idea of what their perceived professional development needs are.  We would definitely like to do this once the school year gets underway.  Marci would be happy to put this together and get it disseminated through the CESA districts.  Marci will put a sample together for October.


  1.  SCOA Region 4 Report (Kathy Nelson)


  1. Reminder that NCTE is looking for volunteers for pre-registration at Minnesota

convention in exchange for free registration.  Eileen at

emaley@ncte.org is the Volunteer Coordinator if you are interested.


  1. Because NCTE is moving toward “capacity building” (strongly rooted in political

action, hoping affiliates will fund representatives to meet with state and national political leaders), proposal to provide a regional workshop that would focus on developing affiliates’ presence on social media (e.g., Minnesota sponsoring a state-wide reading chat). Should WCTE take the lead on such an offering in order to do more than just host an annual conference?


We discussed that Lynn Frick’s position as professional issues was to keep an eye on political issues and share information. As a tax exempt – we can be issue-based but not endorse a candidate.  We can have an issues-based reaction and even endorse legislation, but not a candidate.  John checked it out and his legal representative suggested that the best option is to directly talk to legislators.  Other organizations are sending out talking points and legislative contacts, so the understanding is that we can write position statements on personal emails.  


  1.  Officer Reports


  1. President (John Pruitt)


  1. Reminder about affiliate awards at http://www.ncte.org/affiliates/awards


  1. MASA: according to NCTE’s  application requirements on how to form a

student affiliate,


  1. Your constitution should stipulate an affiliation with NCTE and

your state’s NCTE affiliate group, such as the Illinois Association of Teachers of English or the Idaho Council of Teachers of English;


  1. Your constitution should provide for a Liaison Officer to NCTE and

your state’s affiliate group


Jenn Fishman (MASA’s faculty advisor) suggests that we write

MASA into our by-laws, to include coordinating MASA volunteers at the state convention and WCTE members participating in MASA events. Should we require MASA members to become WCTE members?


We would like a specific liaison to MASA which will probably be

Jenn.  They could propose a student board member as well.  We would like MASA members to join WCTE for $5.  We would take up to 10 students to volunteer at the state convention and we will take $10 off their registration if they volunteer.  We would like the students to chair a session or two.


iii. Collaboration with Greater Madison Writing Project


From Mark Dziedzic, GMWP Director: I’d like to broaden the

HS/college symposium in conjunction with WCTE. The feedback from the symposium was overwhelmingly positive, and I think there is clearly interest in doing more such type events. I was actually thinking about trying to put together a series next year – fall with the WCTE conference (maybe pre-conference day), winter at Madison or with WSRA, and spring Madison or maybe with the Fox Valley WP or one of the Milwaukee WP. I was thinking we could do something similar to the symposium in fall, then sessions more focused on specific things during the winter and spring dates. It would let us get around the state more, yet it would also be possible for many teachers (at least location wise) to participate in the full series.  John has tried to contact the other writers’ projects as well.


  1. Meeting with Heather Terrill Stotts (Executive Director) and Barry Golden

(Educational Paradigm Specialist) with Innovative Schools Network – put John in contact with Marie Martini to involve charter schools more in the convention.  We will put a link to their webpage on our website in exchange for advertising for our convention on their website. Kara made a motion to create a resource page with reciprocal links to other relevant organizations.  Shelly seconded.  Motion carried.


  1. Donation to the Kent D. Williamson Policy and Advocacy Center/  Lynn

made a motion to send $250 to the Kent D. Williamson Policy and Advocacy Center in memory of the incredible contributions of Kent to NCTE.  Shelly second.  Motion carried.


  1. NCTE Annual Business Meeting of the Board of Directors: call for

resolutions and agenda items by September 1, 2015


vii. Marketing plan written by Mount Mary students—showcase brochure;

next steps.  We’ll talk about this all together below.


viii. Affiliate plans for Literacy Education Advocacy Day/Month, March 2016 –

think about this for fall


  1. What to do with SCOA newsletter – Lynn made a suggestion that the

SCOA newsletter be placed in our Google folder each month.  


  1. First Vice President (Denise Meyer)
  2. Number of convention sessions at this point.

There are 21 sessions at this point. Determining what to offer opposite Jeffrey Wilhelm’s breakout session.


  1. Brainstorm suggestions for panels to attract pre-service teachers and

graduate English students, e.g., how to teach literature, how to design a syllabus for a particular class – or package the convention via email, perhaps a flier that focuses the convention information in a format that encourages advisors to promote the convention to students on campus


iii. Proposal to begin poster session similar to CCCC Undergraduate

Researcher Poster Session – we could do this in the future, but at this point, there really isn’t a need.


  1. The Fairfield Inn and Suites downtown in the convention hotel.  They are

giving us state rates for the night, and it includes hot breakfast.  Parking is an additional fee.  They will extend the state rates for Saturday night as well if you request.



  1. Second Vice President (Marianne Potter)


  1. Director at Large (Lynn Frick)


  1. District Director Liaison (Lynn Aprill) continues to send things out to district directors as she has them, sends out weekly blasts as well. When you send things out to your CESA, cc Denise on those as well. Use the WCTE folder in google drive which contains the membership lists, minutes, agendas, and all relevant materials.


  1. NCTE Affiliate Liaison Officer (Tom Scott) NCTE dues have been paid.


  1. Committee Reports


  1. WCEE (David Roloff)


  1. WCEL (Tom Scott) WCEL costs half of NCTE. Smaller conference, with excellent sessions. Tom encourages people to nominate persons for leadership awards.


  1. Intellectual Freedom (John Schad) no nominee this year. Keep updated on potential nominees for the future. WE have honored people from outside of Wisconsin. Can be people/groups who have stood up to censorships issues.


  1. NCTE Affiliate Liaison Officer (Tom Scott)


  1. Standing Committee on Diversity: seeking chair – Justina has expressed interest. Lynn moved appointing Justina to serve as Standing Committee on Diversity Chair. Second by Kara. Justina will examine combining the two different positions listed in the bylaws.


  1. Wisconsin Authors (Marti Matyska): follow-up on Marti’s suggestion that we need

space on the web site for the growing number of Wisconsin authors


  1. Professional Issues (Lynn Frick): Position statement on Joint Finance Committee

decision to deregulate licensing standards for middle and high school teachers across the state: according to an attorney, we should meet with legislators in person in order to explain the impact of their decisions. How do we make these decisions? Lynn read from the current position descriptions which outlines a process for this. Marci is a contact person from DPI for informational purposes only. Anyone who has an issue that needs to be addressed should do it by contacting Lynn.


  1. Awards (Jacalyn Mabon) – Jackie will start to push nominations for CEL. There are two outstanding student teacher awards Patrick at UWM and Rachel at UWSP. Outstanding first year teacher award. Leah Block won a free year’s membership. NCTE high school teacher of excellence award did have a nominee, but didn’t submit all of the paperwork. No Pooley or Intellectual Freedom Awards.  Need to consider the deadlines for nominations. Jackie is proposing April 1 for the new deadlines. Tom mentioned the Chisholm Award, which has not been given since 2012.


  1. NCTE Awards for Student Literary Magazine (Becky Donlin) Linda puts the list of winners in the Update. Search for PRESLM on the NCTE website to find this information.


  1. Update (Linda Barrington) – Linda updated everyone on the next update. The goal is to get this out at the end of August; she would like it sent out as soon as it is received. Justina will be the District Director of focus. Marci will give an update on the state later in August. All conference materials and information will be included. New ideas: popular tweets, #wcte15 is the twitter hashtag for the conference, new journalism curriculum, books that we’re reading, front page is all about convention and Jeffrey Wilhelm. August 15 is the deadline for this issue.


  1. Wisconsin English Journal (John Pruitt)


  1. Spring 2015 issue published, Fall 2015 issue in process – John would like book reviews from us on English teaching books; new parts of the journal will include a column  from librarians on how they can help English teachers and on the Wisconsin Technical College System. The Minnesota journal editors are hosting a meeting to try to increase readership. Currently, the journal is housed electronically at UW Madison. They do not want to house it anymore. Will others be willing to be reviewers? Could use approaches to teaching literature as articles. John wants everyone to consider writing for the journal.
  2. Contacted several middle and secondary school librarians interested in

starting a column

iii. Spring 2016 special issue on writing instruction in the technical colleges,

guest editor Gregg Nelson, Chippewa Valley Technical College


  1. WELA (Kathy Nelson): regaining momentum


  1. Pooley committee (Kathy Nelson, John Zbikowski, Linda Barrington, Tom Scott):

Suggestion from Kathy Nelson to consider increasing the amount for social media and web site improvements we previously allotted from the Pooley funds


  1. Discussion of Website – conference registration. Discussion of use of RegOnline and other possible web tools for the convention. Linda will investigate the potential of eventbrite or other web tools.

Linda presented on the SWOT analysis for the website. Members of the board met on Friday, July 17 to study the information and determined what would be the most useful for WCTE.

One cost would be $50 per hour for at least ten to twenty hours.

Proposal to redesign the website, but to review it in October and not go live until after convention. Linda, Lynn, Kelly, and Denise agreed to serve as a committee to review what they like and don’t like on the website.

Lynn then presented on a proposed brochure. How would we use the brochure? Jackie made a motion to order 5000 copies of the brochure. Justina seconded the motion.


  1. Old Business
  2. Informal gathering of Wisconsin teachers at NCTE in Minneapolis: follow-up with

Justina Plemon, Justina proposed some options. Planning to meet in the lobby of the Hilton on Friday night after the NCTE meeting. Jackie asked if we wanted to organize something for the Thursday night of convention.

  1. By-law review of voting rights of ex-officio members plus term limits. Lynn, John, and Shelly will meet via google docs.


  1. New Business


  1. Adjourn at 2:50 p.m.