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WEJ Vol. 54, No. 1 now available

The first issue of the Wisconsin English Journal for 2012 is now freely available online.  See the table of contents for a variety of articles, columns, reviews, and news about the teaching of English. 

Wisconsin English Journal

In the current issue:

Seeking Progress Out of Struggle: Wisconsin Teachers’ Stories in the Wake of the Budget Repair Bill

Writing as an Exploration: Rethinking the Research Paper

You Forgot about the Arts: Incorporating Fine Arts into Writing Assignments

Columns, WCTE news, and more.  See the current issue for details. 

May Update available

Read the May 2012 Update for the latest news of WCTE and English in Wisconsin.

WCTE Update December 2012 now available

WCTE Update


In the current issue:

Carol Jago, Rebecca Sipe keynote; From the desk of your President; WCTE fall convention call for proposals;   WCTE honors Senator Kohl; WCTE website; DPI English news; WEJ needs reviewers; Reading research symposium; WCTE award winners; NCTE award deadlines.

Read the May 2012 WCTE Update for details.

Convention call for proposals

Submit a proposal for a session at the 2012 WCTE State Convention in Madison, October 12.  Deadline for online submissions: extended to August 1. Visit the Convention page for details.

Outstanding Student Teacher Nominations Due

Nominations for this year’s Outstanding Student Teacher and Outstanding Beginning Teacher are due May 1.  Visit the awards page for details.

SMARTER Balanced seeks feedback

The SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium is seeking feedback by Friday, March 16 on their summative, interim, and formative assessments that will be fully implemented in 2014-15.  The assessments are based on the Common Core State Standards and are in a computer-based format.  View the item specifications and related materials at the consortium website and leave feedback using the survey linked to that site.


March 9-10, at Arrowhead High School in Hartland: What Every Wisconsin English Teacher NEEDS To Know – To Learn of Changes Impacting Our Profession.  Featuring Carol Jago, Rebecca Sipe, and many breakout sessions.  See the Regional Events page for a program and registration form. 

From the President

Gathering in Hartland;


SB In-put Needed;

Tech Tip: Scribblar;

Read the  Letter from the President-January 2012 for details. 

RtI Parent Overview


Intellectual Freedom Award Nominations due March 31

Nominate a recipient for this year’s Lee Burress Intellectual Freedom Award.  The award recognizes those who have advocated freedom of expression and humane communication.  See the Burress Award page for details.