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WCTE Update December 2011

In the Current Issue:

  • State-wide gathering March 9-10 featuring Carol Jago
  • WCTE District 2 Common Core workshop in Lake Geneva
  • Election results
  • Bylaw changes
  • Thriving, not just surviving at District 1 Meeting in Milwaukee
  • Common Core Meeting in Green Bay
  • NCTE Chicago Convention Highlights
  • Highlights of CEL: Conference on English Leadership
  • State-wide writing initiative
  • Pooley Award Winners
  • Board Member Profile: Kathy Bay, District 10
  • Wisconsin English Journal invites writers, reviewers
  • WCTE Calendar of Events
  • Free tech tools for teachers




WCTE 2011 Writing Initiative

WCTE is proud to promote a state-wide writing initiative with this year’s theme: The Power of Teaching.  The Kick-off date is Thursday, Oct. 20, the National Day of Writing. The deadline for submission is Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2012. Writers of all ages and walks of life are invited to submit stories for publication in WCTE’s online writing gallery about teachers who made a difference in their lives.  For the story prompt and additional details, see the Writing Initiative page

Wisconsin English Journal

Visit the WEJ Website for the latest issue as well as archives. In the current issue:

  • Technology and the Reading Habits of Our Students
  • Learning from a Poetry Internship
  • Differentiated Instruction for English Language Learners
  • Let Us Talk: Oral Communication to Enrich Student Writing
  • Civilizing Rural Education in the Early Twentieth Century
  • Increasing Student Engagement through Book Clubs
  • Unraveling the Language Puzzle

Each issue also includes a variety of columns and book reviews. The Wisconsin English Journal, fully online with open access, is published each fall and spring. Register to submit an article or serve as a reviewer.

WCTE Now on Facebook

Connect with other Wisconsin English teachers via the most popular social networking service. Join Facebook and become a fan.

Statement on Intellectual Freedom

Members in attendance at this year’s Annual Business Meeting in Milwaukee adopted a Position Statement affirming the rights of students and teachers in matters of language and literacy, and emphasizing the promotion of intellectual activity and creativity, freedom of expression and debate, and access to information.

In the fall WCTE Update:

State-Wide gathering March 9-10 featuring Carol Jago
WCTE District 2 Common Core Standards workshop in Lake Geneva
Election results
Bylaw changes
Thriving, not just surviving at District 1 Meeting in Milwaukee
Report: Common Core Meeting in Green Bay
NCTE Chicago Convention Highlights
Highlights of CEL: Conference on English Leadership
State-wide writing initiative
Pooley Award Winners
Board Member Profile: Kathy Bay, District 10
Wisconsin English Journal invites writers, reviewers
WCTE Calendar of Events
Free tech tools for teachers

See the December Update for details

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